Les articles listés ci-dessous ont été publiés par les équipes impliquées dans la ZATU.

Année 2024

Mallet, C., Rossi, F., Hassan-Loni, Y., Holub, G., Thi-Hong-Hanh, L., Diez, O., … & Montavon, G. (2024). Assessing the chronic effect of the bioavailable fractions of radionuclides and heavy metals on stream microbial communities: A case study at the Rophin mining site. Science of the Total Environment, 919, 170692.

Geng, T., Mangeret, A., Péron, O., Suhard, D., Gorny, J., Darricau, L., … & Gourgiotis, A. (2024). Unveiling the origins and transport processes of radioactive pollutants downstream from a former U-mine site using isotopic tracers and U-238 series disequilibrium. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 472, 134416.

Holub, G., Sergeant, C., Bailly, C., Beauger, A., Breton, V., Chardon, P., … & Mallet, C. (2024). Radioactivity as a driver of bacterial community composition in naturally radioactive mineral springs in the French Massif Central. Frontiers in Microbiology, 15, 1423342.

Baker, L. A., Celle, H., Voldoire, O., Wetzel, C. E., Allain, E., Ector, L., … & Beauger, A. (2024). Improvement of the knowledge of diatom ecology by coupling geochemistry, radioactivity and taxa inventory in thermo-mineral springs of a volcanic and upland area in south-central France, the Massif Central. Botany Letters, 171(1), 3-19.

Huet, S., Mallet, C., & Fouré, N. (2024). Le milieu et ses mesures L’ancienne mine d’extraction d’uranium de Rophin, perception d’un territoire uranifère. 39p.

Année 2023

Baker L. A., Biron D. G., Beauger A., Kolovi S., Colombet J., Allain E., … & Pradeep Ram A. S. (2023) Virus-to-prokaryote ratio in spring waters along a gradient of natural radioactivity. Hydrobiologia, 850: 1109-1121.

Baker L. A., Beauger A., Kolovi S., Voldoire O., Allain E., Breton V., … & Biron D. G. (2023). Diatom DNA metabarcoding to assess the effect of natural radioactivity in mineral springs on ASV of benthic diatom communities. Science of the Total Environment, 873: 162270.

Beauger A., Voldoire O., Allain E., Gosseaume P., Blavignac C., Baker L. A., & Wetzel C. E. (2023) Biodiversity and Environmental Factors Structuring Diatom Assemblages of Mineral Saline Springs in the French Massif Central. Diversity, 15: 283.

Kolovi S., Fois G. R., Lanouar S., Chardon P., Miallier D., Baker L. A., … & Maigne L. (2023) Assessing radiation dosimetry for microorganisms in naturally radioactive mineral springs using GATE and Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo simulations. Plos one, 18: e0292608.

Baker L. A., Celle H., Voldoire O., Wetzel C. E., Allain E., Ector L., … & Beauger A. (2023) Improvement of the knowledge of diatom ecology by coupling geochemistry, radioactivity and taxa inventory in thermo-mineral springs of a volcanic and upland area in south-central France, the Massif Central. Botany Letters, 1-17.

Année 2022

Boudias M., Gourgiotis A., Montavon G., Cazala C., Pichon V., & Delaunay N. (2022) 226Ra and 137Cs determination by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: state of the art and perspectives including sample pretreatment and separation steps. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 244: 106812.

Beauger A., Wetzel C., Allain E., Bertin C., Voldoire O., Breton V., … & Ector L. (2022). Chamaepinnularia salina (Bacillariophyta), a new diatom species from French mineral springs (Massif Central). Phytotaxa, 538: 55-73.

Baker L. A., Biron D. G., Millan F., Voldoire O., Breton V., Allain E., … & Beauger A. (2022) The substrate, a key factor or not, to explain the species diversity of diatom communities in mineral springs. Botany Letters, 169: 155-165.

Beauger A., Wetzel C. E., Voldoire O., Allain E., Breton V., Miallier D., & Ector L. (2022) Fontina Gen. nov.(Bacillariophyta): a new diatom genus from a thermo-mineral spring of the French Massif Central (France). Diatom Research, 37: 51-61.

Année 2021

Martin A., Montavon G., & Landesman C. (2021) A combined DGT-DET approach for an in situ investigation of uranium resupply from large soil profiles in a wetland impacted by former mining activities. Chemosphere, 279: 130526.

Del Nero M., Montavon G. (2021) Les Radionucléides dans l’environnement. Enjeux sociétaux et défis scientifiques.. L’Actualité Chimique, 460-461: 11.

Année 2020

Saulnier A., Bleu J., Boos A., El Masoudi I., Ronot P., Zahn S., … & Massemin S. (2020) Consequences of trace metal cocktail exposure in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) and effect of calcium supplementation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 193: 110357.

Saclier N., Chardon P., Malard F., Konecny-Dupré L., Eme D., Bellec A., … & Douady C. J. (2020) Bedrock radioactivity influences the rate and spectrum of mutation. Elife, 9: e56830.

Martin A., Hassan-Loni Y., Fichtner A., Péron O., David K., Chardon P., … & Montavon G. (2020) An integrated approach combining soil profile, records and tree ring analysis to identify the origin of environmental contamination in a former uranium mine (Rophin, France). Science of the Total Environment, 747: 141295.

Millan F., Izere C., Breton V., Voldoire O., Biron D. G., Wetzel C. E., … & Beauger A. (2020) The effect of natural radioactivity on diatom communities in mineral springs. Botany Letters, 167: 95-113.

Schmitt N., Colas S., Saurel N., Bassignot F., Vuillemin B., & Groetz J. E. (2020) Detector-electrode for alpha spectrometry in water sample, numerical and early feasibility investigation toward thermocompression bonding assembly process. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 953: 163270.

Année 2019

Florent Rossi, Clarisse Mallet, Christophe Portelli, Florence Donnadieu, Frédérique Bonnemoy, Joan Artigas, (2019) Stimulation or inhibition: Leaf microbial decomposition in streams subjected to complex chemical contamination, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 648, 2019, Pages 1371-1383.

Eouzan I, Garnery L, Pinto MA, Delalande D, Neves CJ, Fabre F, Lesobre J, Houte S, Estonba A, Montes I, Sime-Ngando T, Biron DG, (2019) Hygroregulation, a key ability for eusocial insects: Native Western European honeybees as a case study. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0200048.

Lampe N, Marin P, Coulon M, Micheau P, Maigne L, Sarramia D, Piquemal F, Incerti S, Biron DG, Ghio C, Sime-Ngando T, Hindre T, Breton V. (2019). Reducing the ionizing radiation background does not significantly affect the evolution of Escherichia coli populations over 500 generations. Scientific Reports, 9:1489.

Loni Y. H., David K., Larrue S., Grambow B., Corona C., Ribet, S., … & Montavon G. (2019). Uranium quantification of oak tree rings (Quercus petraea) from a former uranium mining site by High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass spectrometry in Laser Ablation and Solution modes. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 161: 105709.

Bretagnolle V., Benoît M., Bonnefond M., Breton V., Church J. M., Gaba S., … & Fritz H. (2019) Action-orientated research and framework. Ecology and Society, 24: 10.   Le T.H.H., Michel H., Champion J. (2019) 210Po sequential extraction applied to wetland soils at uranium mining sites. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 199-200: 1-6.

Verlinde M., Gorny J., Montavon G., Khalfallah S., Boulet, C. Augeray C., Lariviere D., Dalencourt C., Gourgiotis A. (2019) A new rapid protocol for 226Ra separation and pre-concentration in natural samples using molecular recognition technology, for ICP-MS analysis. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 202: 1-7.

Martin A., Landesman C., Lepinay A., Roux C., Champion J., Chardon P., Montavon G. (2019) Flow period influence on uranium and trace elements release in water from the waste rock pile of the former La Commanderie uranium mine (France).  Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 208-209: 106010.